A ballpoint pen, fountain pen, mechanical pencil and roller pen: the iconic849 Collection from Caran d’Achewith its timeless hexagonal design is now complete.
The 849 Roller Pen is 28% larger than the standard size 849 and offers an entirely new writing experience!
It combines the simplicity of the ballpoint pen and the smooth writing of a fountain pen. The proportions ensure perfect handling for unrivalled writing comfort.
Fitted with the new cartridge, the849 Rollerproduces a smooth, even line from the moment the ink hits the page, drying in only seconds. Retractable and without a cap, it is the ideal writing companion regardless of whether you are at work, at home or on the road.
The849 Collection from Caran D'Ache, continues to grow and remains a favorite among aficionados of international design and casual writing.